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Hi, I'm Andy!

I’m a game developer and composer. I work on projects on my free time and post about them on the internet. This site is the home to general dev-logs, updates and things of that nature. Below, you can find my most recent posts and my projects, and you can use the navigation to further explore the site.
Thanks for stopping by!



Recent Posts

Dev-log #17: What’s Going On?

Happy New Year everyone! In the spirit of the New Year, I decided it was time to finally give an update to what’s been going on with me and Phases. It’s been awhile. Let’s talk about that. My last post…

Dev-log #16: My Merry Musical Months

Hello there once again! The past few months of my game development journey have had quite the musical theme to them. I’m trying to write more dev-logs, so it seemed like a good topic to discuss. I mention a lot…

Dev-log #15: Reflecting on my Second Game Jam

Hello everyone!About a year ago, I participated in the Game Maker’s Toolkit Game Jam which was my first game jam experience. It was quite the journey and you can read all about it in this dev-log. I learned a lot, and…

Dev-log #14: First Playtests and Observations

Happy New Year everybody!It is once again that time for another dev-log. The progress on Project Phases has been going very well. Though it is taking quite a bit of time, the battle system is getting closer and closer to…

Dev-log #13: As Time Flows, Update 10 Progresses

Hey there everyone! It’s time for another dev-log, this time I’m going to go over some progress updates for Update 10. It has been coming along well, but there is still plenty of work to do before it is finished.…