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Game Jam

Dev-log #16: My Merry Musical Months

Hello there once again! The past few months of my game development journey have had quite the musical theme to them. I’m trying to write more dev-logs, so it seemed like a good topic to discuss. I mention a lot…

Dev-log #15: Reflecting on my Second Game Jam

Hello everyone!About a year ago, I participated in the Game Maker’s Toolkit Game Jam which was my first game jam experience. It was quite the journey and you can read all about it in this dev-log. I learned a lot, and…

Dev-log #12: Reflecting on my First Game Jam

Hello everyone!I recently participated in the Game Maker’s Toolkit Game Jam 2021 and I thought I would write a dev-log to reflect on my experience. This is the first game jam I’ve ever done and I have a lot of…